These two statues were intended to stand side by side. A man and a woman meet at the foot of the Musée de Valence, art et archéologie.
Their stylized forms reflect the essence of Toros' art: soft, minimalist edges, and a different shade of green for each one.
If we move closer, we can see that these two figures are looking at us. The one on the left, with its slender but vigorous arches, evokes a male figure. The second on the right, of slimmer stature, with sketchy hair, reveals the intertwining curves of the stone wall rising towards the trees. The distance between them has been carefully chosen by Toros, providing a breath of fresh air between the works. Arranged in front of a large rectangular pool, these statues invite us to a rendezvous with the arts.
Opening periods
From 01/01 to 31/12, daily.
Free access.